Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Have you ever seen a ghost??

what did you do and did you believe what you were seeing?? I was staying with a friend is a spooky old farm house and there was a lady standing in the kitchen. I thought that it was her mom so I went in there to talk to her and when I got there it was real cold and there was no one there, and there was no way out but the way I was going in. I asked my friend about it and she said that I was nuts, so I looked up the house and found out an old lady died in a horrable wayin the house! I get a overwelming feeling when ever I go there and I try to stay away, but I dont want ny friend to think that I am nuts how do I keep from having to go over there? I dont understand why they cant see the old lady and the old lady dont mess with them its just me!


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