Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I think its the end of me and my puppy?

I dont think me and my husky puppy where meant to be.i thought my yard was puppy proofed but seems that it wasnt.yesterday the little guy got his leg stuck in a hole in the yard i tried pulling him out but it didnt come out.he was screaming and trying to pull it out.i didnt know what to do so i pulled him by the leash until he came out.the prob here is that he flew in the air.i tried to secure him but his collar came out.he didnt fly high but he did go a distance.he immediately ran in a corner and hid.i went to apologise,pet him and give him a treat to make up but he kept moving away from me shivering and didnt look at me.he ate a little of his food.he still wont come close to me at all.wont look at me.will sit as far away from and this pup neva bonded.i dont think i suppose to have him.thats why all these bad things happen and in his eyes i did it so im to blame.what to do?im so worried he'll never like me.


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