Saturday, December 17, 2011

Have we become slaves to our computers?

I am asking because I really think we have. Everything is done online from writing to someone to ordering pizza. I find that we have gone just a bit too far. Newspaper printing is stopping, even. I don't know about you, but I like to go out to the store on a Sunday morning and buy the newspaper. It's sad that those days will soon end. Everything is available online and accessible to everyone. Few people write letters anymore. Kids don't even need to learn to spell anymore. I recently heard a news report that some schools are thinking about doing away with cursive. This would be a total mistake, people need to learn handwriting, it's essential. All the video stores in my town have gone out of business. Why go out when you can get a movie online? Because sometimes it's fun to take a ride to the video store. Libraries are suffering, too. I remember when I was a kid and having to look things up in an encyclopedia, dictionary or phone book. Sometimes I actually find that quicker. Were turning into a society of homebodies. Pretty soon no one will leave their houses. People bring their computers everywhere with them, even on vacation. Like they can't go 3 days without it. I admit, I use mine too much, but this is part of the whole problem. We've become so used to them and so addicted to them that if were apart from them for any length of time, we begin to not be able to function. Though i find them useful a lot, I also find that they can be a complete waste of time and an excuse to take the easy way out of things. I also know that I don't need a computer to survive. However, it's bad because without one, I feel lost.


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