Monday, December 12, 2011

Plee help....what should i do??

ok i met this girl like 3 months ago..we talked a couple of times ok conversations...i finally had the courage to ask her to lunch and she took a rain check but then resheduled for the next was a ok of my friends had told her that i liked her but she preffered hearing it from my words....i told her and she blusshed...i called her the next day and i saw her sittin down in her office and didnt pick up...i didnt want to pressure her so i didnt go by her office for like 1 day...when she finally saw me she was like"ohh my god where you been havent seen you all day?"i went and said the end of the day i walked her to the train station and asked her if she had a boyfriend...she told me and i quote"yea hes somewhere"gave me the impression like he aint that important.....but i could be wrong..does she like me? or should i just give up and let her be happy??what should i do??? pllllllleeeeasee help


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